We have all heard the saying "you are what you eat". But what does this really mean? Are we really educated on eating healthy in this day and age when so many conflicting messages exist? I believe that eating is just as spiritual as anything else we do. This is why God had rules about what and how to eat in the Old Testament and why Daniel did not eat what the other men who did not follow God ate (Daniel 1:8-20), and he was able to serve God better because of it. This story is in the Bible because God cares about what we put into our bodies. God has a higher standard for us, as Christians. We should be the main proponents of healthy eating and living.
What we put into our body and our minds will come out. This connection is inevitable and it is strong. Sewing and reaping is an age old principle directly from the word of God (Galations 6:7 Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.). If we eat something full of fat and processed chemicals, we may enjoy it at the time, but afterwards it will leave us feeling yucky and wishing we would not have been so quick to satisfy short term cravings. Sin is the same way. "Anyone who knows the good he ought to do and doesn't do it sins." (James 4:17) We do what is fun and gratifying in the moment, convincing ourselves it's not that bad. In the end, we are left empty, with nothing to show. Choosing what feels good in the moment is easy, but choosing what is best for the future is so much better.
My dad told me about a study in psychology where four year olds were sat down and given a marshmallow. If they could wait twenty minutes they would get not just that marshmallow, but another one too. The researchers followed these children through the lifespan and found that the children who were able to delay gratification, even at four, fared better in life (http://www.newyorker.com/reporting/2009/05/18/090518fa_fact_lehrer). They got better grades, jobs, were happier, ect. It feels great to know that I am doing the best for my family.
Here is the thing a lot of people don't realize. It doesn't take any more time and effort for me than most other families. I have learned to work smarter, but not necessarily harder. I prioritize my life. Eating healthy is high up so I sacrifice bits of money in other areas. Instead of eating out as much, I cut back and eat at home. My husband takes the leftovers from dinner to work. I also make enough of a dish to freeze another portion for another night or we have the same thing two nights in a row. A rule I have is no more than 30 minutes in general are spent on making dinner. I buy organic produce box with local, fresh food each week. I have a baby and a toddler!! I need my sanity :-)
Eating foods directly affects our health, whether we see the effects now or fifty years down the road. It does take some time and effort to eat healthy at first, but then it becomes a habit, a way of life. They say 21 days makes a habit! I for sure don't have it down, but I was once told that I was not being healthy and that it really matters what I eat. I honestly didn't believe it. So, I set out to prove this notion wrong, and ended up realizing it was true.
When I started eating more healthy, I truly felt a difference. The main difference is that I have more energy that lasts longer. Yeah, I may not get the cheapest food and feel accomplished for getting everything on sale in the grocery store, but I am investing in the future of my family. I am not paying money for stuff that is cheap and on sale because it is not healthy and has many detrimental preservatives and additives that have been banned in most other countries, including China, but isn't here because of our big businesses. This is all true. Please do the research for yourself! Our so-called "organic" food is most other countries regular food. A couple good places to start: www.100daysofrealfood.com and subscribe to the blog foodbabe.com
Feeling better on a daily basis, in turn also helps me to be able to serve God better and live out his will for me in my life because I am feeding my body what it needs to function at its best. I am not just dragging through life, only making it through on coffee each day (not condemning, I've been there :)).
In this blog, I will be posting about all things that nourish my soul: what I am hearing from God, happenings in my family, lots of recipes and healthy eating, natural products for house, baby and body, and so forth! I would love for you to come along and let me know what you think!